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7-Keto DHEA in Review

One of the lesser mentioned, although more interesting compounds to make its way into the bodybuilding community since the turn of the millennium is 7-Keto DHEA. Primarily marketed as a fat loss drug, its initial release was accompanied by a good deal of fanfare, but after the first few years of sales its popularity just kind of trickled off.
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Super R-Andro Explained


For those of you who have been following the sports supplement scene for a while, you may be familiar with a compound known as androsterone. First released about 8-9 years ago, this non-methylated DHEA derivative quickly became one of the best selling products in its class. Marketed as a non-toxic strength gainer with distinct muscle hardening effects and alpha-male promoting characteristics, many found it to be the perfect complement to their OTC regimen. However, pending legal troubles and high production costs soon put an end to this once popular prohormone. Since then we’ve seen a few attempts at reintroduction, but if using consumer reviews as a means of product evaluation, it appears that more recent formulations have fallen short in terms of effectiveness. But what exactly is androsterone and what makes it stand out from the other DHEA-based prohormones on the market?
Read More »Super R-Andro Explained